It appears precautions for erosion have taken place, I hope the new owners continue to work with local agencies and residents to mitigate the problems. This often occurs at the interface of industrial /commercial properties and residential areas. When Meloi Lumber closed, I'm sure rateables from the property also diminished. Perhaps a higher tax rate on such an operation could offset Deerpark costs of operations. Why aren't more folks upset with the Shen Fung folks dumping raw sewage into the Neversink?
It appears precautions for erosion have taken place, I hope the new owners continue to work with local agencies and residents to mitigate the problems. This often occurs at the interface of industrial /commercial properties and residential areas. When Meloi Lumber closed, I'm sure rateables from the property also diminished. Perhaps a higher tax rate on such an operation could offset Deerpark costs of operations. Why aren't more folks upset with the Shen Fung folks dumping raw sewage into the Neversink?