Rosemary Walsh: Delaware Valley School District School Board Candidate
1. What circumstance(s) prompted you to run for the school board?
Please be specific.
I feel the board has lost some of its focus concerning the direction of the district. I feel that my background as a teacher and frequent school board meeting attendee could be a great benefit. We need to continue to enhance our curriculum to reach the needs of different students.
2. What experience, skills and/or education prepares you for a role on
the school board? Please be specific.
As stated, I have been attending school board meetings for many years before I was a board member. I worked in the district as a substitute and then reading specialist for about 25 years so I understand staff issues. My three children graduated from Delaware Valley so parental concerns are familiar to me. Finally, as a retired person, fiscal responsibility is important to our community.
What would you like to change if elected? Please be specific.
I would like to see the climate at meetings change. We all need to work together to continue the great things that Delaware Valley is known for. The board and the public have the right to be treated courteously.
4. What would you like to accomplish as a school board member? Please
be specific.
I would like to build consensus after listening to various points of view and meet the needs of all of our students. We need to work with the staff and administration to ensure a safe and respectful environment to learn and develop.
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