Robert Howe: Warwick Valley Central School District School Board Candidate
1. What circumstance(s) prompted you to run for the school board?
Please be specific.
I first ran for the Board, after serving three years on a District Finance committee, because I believed that the Administration and the Board were disconnected from the reality that we were in a recession and they were putting up a budget that included large raises , increased taxes & cut programs. I felt that was fiscally & educationally irresponsible.
Once on the Board I saw that we were an average District & had potential to be much more. I have continued serving on the Board with that goal in mind of Warwick becoming one of the top Districts in the State, which we have become,
2. What experience, skills and/or education prepares you for a role on
the school board? Please be specific.
I bring a blend of education & business experience to the Board. Was involved with a parent run school , which became the model for our PIE program, for 6 years.
Have owned a small business in Pine Island making frames for Passive Solar Sunrooms for 30 years.
Have been on the Board longer than any current District Administrator so am able to bring that knowledge to our decision making process- knowing what has worked & hasn’t & why.
3. What would you like to change if elected? Please be specific.
The main function of a Board is the selection/hiring of a Superintendent. This is the 4th since I’ve been on the Board and we have a STAR ! He is a visionary with a finance & education background who has taken us from a good District to one of the best in the State. So, I will continue to support him as we move forward.
4. What would you like to accomplish as a school board member? Please
be specific.
I am the Board Liaison to the Community Center and active with the Coalition for Teenage Prevention of Drugs and Alcohol. I have participated in forming Coalition committees in our High School & Middle School to raise awareness of the dangers of vaping, underage drinking, drugs & depression/suicide. I will continue advocating for the District to utilize all resources available in these areas.
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