Port Jervis Third Ward Council Candidate Yvette Martinez, Democrat
What circumstance prompted your interest in running for a seat on the Common Council? Please be specific.
I started attending meetings with the Port Jervis Democratic committee in September of 2022. It was discussed at these meetings the upcoming local elections and the need for democratic candidates. I started to attend council meetings. I decided to run for 3rd ward council because I felt that there was a need for diversity on the city council. I also felt that there was a need for more transparency and communication between the council and the community. I have lived in Port Jervis my entire life and felt it was time to give back to my community.
What experience and/or education prepares you for the position? Please be specific.
I have a BS in Psychology and have been working on the behavioral health units in Bon Secours Community Hospital since 1997. I became an 1199 SEIU union delegate over a year ago. I have been an advocate for vulnerable populations my entire adult life. As a union delegate, I help protect their rights and advocate for my co-workers. I have been working on and off as a member political organizer for the past 2 years. I have helped canvas and phone bank for several elected officials during that time all over the Hudson Valley.
3. What would you like to change in Port Jervis if elected? Why? How would you go about it? Please be specific.
I would like for the community to be more involved in the decisions that are being made for them and the city. As a slate we have discussed developing a newsletter to keep the residents informed. Not everyone has social media and we feel this would help getting information out to the public. I think going out door knocking shouldn’t only happen before elections. I think this should be done after being elected on maybe a monthly basis to just remind the residents that we are available, that we care and are willing to answer any questions.
4. What would you like to accomplish if elected? How would you go about it? Please be specific.
I would like to do what I can to bring awareness to the mental health and addiction issues we have in our city. If we do accomplish developing a newsletter for the community, I would like for there to be a section with mental health and addiction information and resources. I would like to set up Narcan training maybe once a month for the community and be able to hand out Narcan kits or at least guide residents to where they can get them.
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