Citizen Journalism Workshop Coming to Warwick
The two-part workshop will be on Oct. 12 and 19 at Wisner Library.
Profiling Community Organizations is a two-part series, Saturday Oct. 12 and 19, 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., to be held at the Albert Wisner Memorial Library. The workshop consists of two 90-minute sessions in which participants will write a brief profile of a local service, charity or non-profit Community Organization of their choice. It can be an organization they participate in, admire, or wish to learn about. The focus of the 400-word profile will be the organization’s mission, the roles it fills in the community and the satisfaction it brings to their members.
Please note:
● Prework includes gathering both “hard” information about the organization and evaluative, human interest material gathered from interviews with a few relevant people. Partipants need this content to develop the start of the story in the first workshop.
The workshop is led by longtime Warwick resident, Daniel Mack. He is an artist, journalist and former Assistant Professor of Communications at Fordham University, where he taught this profile writing as part of a semester-long Basic Reporting course for many years.
Space is limited and it will be on a first come basis. If you are interested, please send your name, email address, and telephone number to Once registered, participants will receive information about local community groups and more detail about how and what to prepare for the workshops.
These two workshops are not only to teach the basics of journalism but to grow the network of citizen journalists who will broaden information about our communities and stimulate community discussion.
Community focused news can only succeed with community support. Please consider the various subscription levels.